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2500 Litre Oil Tank - Titan V2500TT

Kingspan Titan

Regular price £1,000.00
£833.33 ex.VAT

2500 Litre Titan Single Skin Oil Tank c/w Watchman Sonic & Bottom Outlet Fitting Kit

This quality Kingspan Titan single skin heating oil tank is ideal for the storage of home heating oil.

Tank Specification:

  • Watchman Sonic Electronic Contents Gauge
  • Overfill Prevention (SpillStop)
  • Bottom Outlet Fitting Kit/Isolation Valve & Filter
  • 1" BSP Bottom Outlet
  • 2" BSP Fill Point with Screw Cap and Chain
  • 4" Inspection Point with Screw Cap
  • 2" Vent 

Manufactured from high grade polyethylene this Irish made Titan tank is corrosion resistant, has high impact strength and is UV stabilised. All Titan tanks are CE marked.

Can I fit a single skin oil tank?

For some DOMESTIC oil tank installations (in England and Scotland, NOT Wales) fitting a single skin oil tank can be suitable solution.

In ALL cases, an 'oil storage risk assessment' should be carried out to determine the correct tank and installation (this can be carried out by an OFTEC approved engineer).

In brief a Bund or Bunded Tank is required in domestic situations if:

  • Your tank is in Wales.
  • You are storing over 2500 litres.
  • Your tank is near an open drain or loose-fitting manhole.
  • Your tank is within 10m of controlled water such as a river, stream etc.
  • Your tank is located where any spillage could travel over hard ground to reach controlled water.
  • Your tank is located within 50m of a borehole, spring or well.
  • Your tank vent is not visible from the fill point (such as an extended fill point)
  • Your oil use is for a building other than a single-family dwelling.
  • Any other unique hazards to your site.

ALL DOMESTIC oil tanks over 2500 litres need to be bunded.

All NON-DOMESTIC oil tanks over 200 litres need to be bunded.