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BASE2DRAIN basement pumps


Introducing BASE2DRAIN; the safest, most reliable and efficient range of basement pumps from Marsh Industries.

Suitable for virtually all subterranean sites, Marsh BASE2DRAIN systems are designed in accordance with British Standard European Norms: BSEN12050, BSEN752, BSEN752-6 and also carry third party approval for material fire safety and structural integrity.


A Marsh BASE2DRAIN basement pump is necessary when discharge from a subterranean site, such as an underground car park or a home basement, is required but gravity discharge is impractical.

Available in a wide range of sizes and capacities, all BASE2DRAIN systems are supplied as a complete unit with either twin or triple submersible pumps and high quality internal pipework/fittings as standard.

Marsh Civils’ technical team can work closely with you to identify all key requirements in specifying the right system for your project.

BASE2DRAIN basement pump


  • Variable invert depths and orientations to suit individual site conditions
  • Smooth internal walls improve pump efficiency and eliminates ‘dead spots’ which can lead to odours and septicity
  • Unique ‘keying-in’ lip assists anchoring into concrete surround
  • Structurally robust, fire tested GRP shell
  • Acoustic sealant around lid provides an effective sound barrier and prevents air and moisture from entering the tank
  • Pre-assembled pipework for fully automatic operation
  • Market-leading submersible pumps ensure maximum reliability and efficiency with minimal clogging or wear

Key components

1. Inlet
2. Heavy duty GRP shell
3. Submersible pump
4. Pre-assembled pipework
5. Keying-in lip to assist installation
6. Cable glands
7. Acoustic sealant sound barrier
8. Manhole cover
9. Outlet

BASE2DRAIN basement pump annotated


Specifications table
Model Pump options Diameter Depth Total storage Outlet Ø Outlet invert Power kw
B2D-TP675 Twin pump 600 750 141 32 250 0.25 / 0.55
B2D-TP610 Twin pump 600 1000 169 32 400 0.25 / 0.55
B2D-TP615 Twin pump 600 1500 212 32 750 0.55
B2D-TP620 Twin pump 600 2000 226 32 1200 0.55
B2D-TRP7575/BB win pump / Triple pump / UPS battery back-up options 750 750 220 32 250 0.25 / 0.55
B2D-TRP7510 Twin pump / Triple pump options 750 1000 265 32 400 0.25 / 0.55
B2D-TRP7515 Twin pump / Triple pump options 750 1500 331 32 750 0.55
B2D-TRP7520 Twin pump / Triple pump options 750 2000 353 32 1200 0.55