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Marsh Hydroil Wash-down separators

Available in capacities from 2000-20,000 litres, the Marsh washdown oil separator range safely removes silt and debris from vehicle wash-down facilities.

These units are primarily used on car wash bays, pressure wash facilities or other cleaning facilities where the effluent must be discharged to the foul water drainage system.

It is a legal requirement to install a silt trap or wash-down separator on commercial sites, such as vehicle wash bays, where there is an environmental risk of contamination from dirt, brake dust, traffic film residue, cleaning agents, oil, etc. In all cases, you should contact your local building control or environmental agency for specific site requirements.

Easy access turrets for maintenance and servicing (Turret guards optional) are available. Variable invert depths and inlet/outlet configurations are also available ­­­to suit individual site conditions. Please contact Marsh Industries upon specification.

As with all Marsh products, the tank body is guaranteed for 25 years with a design life of 50 years, providing it is installed in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions

Configuration and components are shown for illustration purposes only


  • Heavy duty shells enable installation in all ground conditions
  • Tank shells guaranteed for 25 years with a design life of 50 years
  • Variable invert depths and inlet/outlet configurations ­­­to suit individual site conditions
  • Easy access turrets for maintenance and servicing (Turret guards optional)
  • Optional Polylok filter can further reduce pollutants from entering the drainage system
  • Various alarm types available (Required by EN858-1)
  • Corrosion resistant


Specifications table
Model Capacity (litres) Width
Connection size Inlet invert Outlet invert
WD2800 2800 1200 3000 1715 110 700 750
WD3800 3800 1200 4000 1715 110 700 750
WD4500 4500 1500 2650 2015 110 700 750
WD6000 6000 1800 2950 2300 110 700 750
WD8000 8000 1800 3600 2300 160 700 750
WD10000 10000 1800 4200 2300 160 700 750
WD12000 12000 1800 5200 2300 160 700 750
WD15000 15000 2500 3100 3000 160 700 750
WD18000 18000 2500 4100 3000 160 700 750
WD20000 20000 2500 4500 3000 160 700 750