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Spel Products

About SPEL Products

Established over 60 years, SPEL Products have gained valuable experience and expertise in a wide range of activities from building cladding and motorway bridge fascias to vehicle cabs, chemical plant and process vessels for the food industry, fume extraction canopies, ducting, fume stacks and air conditioning plenum chambers besides sewage treatment and pollution control products.

Over the past 60 years the company has consolidated its activities to concentrate on pollution control, surface water drainage and attenuation systems, primary sewage treatment, rainwater harvesting and utilisation systems, monitoring and controlling outfalls within discharge permits.

Along with the consolidation of our activities the company has invested heavily in buildings and plant and equipment of the very latest type to ensure it has not only the capacity to meet the future demands but the ‘state of art’ production facilities to provide quality and competitive solutions.

SPEL is a global operation with distribution facilities and partners throughout the world.


Situated in the West Midlands with an excellent motorway connection to the M6, M6 Toll and other major roads provides good access to all parts of the UK mainland.

Shrewsbury is a fascinating historic medieval town set in the rural county of Shropshire with its beautiful countryside and easy access to Wales with lovely bathing beaches, rivers, lakes, hills and mountains providing enjoyment for walking, climbing, sailing, fishing, kayaking and many other outdoor pursuits

Export locations

SPEL is a global operation with distribution facilities throughout the world. Our products and systems have been delivered and installed on-site to over 45 countries.

British Water Member

British Water is the leading association representing suppliers, manufacturers, contractors, consultants and others in the UK water industry supply chain. As a major supplier to the water industry in the UK and overseas SPEL Products want to show their commitment to the water industry. SPEL Products have substantial knowledge and experience in the industry spanning 56 years.


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