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Marsh GMS grease traps

Available in capacities from 2800 to 20,000 litres, Marsh Industries’ Grease Management System (GMS★) range of grease traps effectively prevents Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) from entering the drainage network or sewage treatment plants.

Testing and verification
Marsh Industries has reassessed the currently prescribed testing methods for grease traps and devised its own unique test rig and analysis at Loughborough University.

The rig, put to test for 12 months, addressed calls from the industry for clarity in testing procedures of grease trap technology. After completing trials, the new range of grease traps are the only products of their type that have been successfully tested using materials that match the FOG used in the food industry, as opposed to the traditional test method of using heating oils.

Typical applications where grease traps/separators may be required:

  • Bakeries
  • Canteens/kitchens
  • Fast food restaurants
  • Food processing factories
  • Hotels
  • Public houses
  • Restaurants
  • Social clubs

Marsh GMS★ Roundel

Compact grease management system

Marsh Industries’ GMS★ ‘Roundel’ – Ø1812 x 1m high – is shallow, compact and provides easy installation, particularly in urban areas or sites with arduous ground conditions and reduces the risk of undermining existing structures, pipelines or cable ducts.

Configuration and components are shown for illustration purposes only

Operating principle

The Marsh GMS grease trap provides sufficient storage in its primary chamber allowing for adequate solidification of FOG molecule structures before passing through an advanced coalescing filtration system.

The coalescing filtration system contains three different grades of filter to prevent solids and waste passing into the final settlement chamber.

In larger units, an optional Ultra Polylok UV Filter is available which can provide further treatment to residual solids and can also destroy viruses, parasites and other pathogenic bacteria.


  1. Wastewater pipe
  2. Tank inlet
  3. Solids retention
  4. Fats, oils and grease (FOG) retention
  5. Advanced coalescing filter
  6. Polylok filter (optional)
  7. Tank outlet
  8. Mains sewer system
  9. Additional desludge points (optional)
  10. Heavy duty manhole cover
  11. Outlet access
  12. High level alarm (optional)


  • Storage capacities ranging from 2800-20,000 litres
  • Advanced coalescent filter system
  • Bespoke design tailored to individual project specifications
  • Adjustable turret and invert height
  • Optional Polylok filter for further wastewater treatment
  • Optional high level alarm


Specifications table
Model Size (litres) Width
Inlet invert Inlet dia Outlet invert Outlet dia
MG2800 2800 1352 3040 1732 685 110 800 110
MG3800 3800 1352 4040 1732 685 110 800 110
MG4500 4500 1572 2960 2092 685 110 800 110
MG6000 6000 1952 3090 2332 685 110 800 110
MG6000 8000 1952 3780 2332 685 160 800 160
MG10000 10000 1952 4340 2332 685 160 800 160
MG12000 12000 1952 5640 2332 685 160 800 160
MG14000 14000 1952 5980 2332 685 160 800 160
MG16000 16000 1952 6840 2332 685 160 800 160
MG18000 18000 1952 7640 2332 685 160 800 160
MG20000 20000 1952 8240 2332 685 160 800 160
Marsh Roundel
Model Size (litres) Width
Inlet invert Inlet dia Outlet invert Outlet dia
Roundel 2000 Ø1980 Ø1980 1000 350 110 400 110