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Poly-Air carbon vent

Designed for foul pipework, septic tanks and domestic sewage treatment plants, the Poly-Air activated carbon vent filter removes offensive odours as they exit the sewer pipe network through vent pipes.

The problem

Every building with a sink, toilet, bath or shower has a network of sewer pipes to remove wastewater. Odours from this pipe network (and septic tanks) are often a nuisance problem and when they occur can be particularly unpleasant.

All sewer pipe networks and septic tanks should have vent pipes installed to allow pressure to equalise as wastewater flows from a sink, toilet or other source. Without vent pipes, flow would be compromised.

Under normal conditions, vented air is directed to the outside of the building and dispersed. However, events can occur where the wind outside redirects odour from the vent pipe back towards an occupied area of the building.

The solution – Poly-Air carbon vent

Install a Poly-Air activated carbon vent filter to remove offensive odours, such as Hydrogen Sulphide, as they exit the vent pipes.

Marsh Poly-Ari carbon vent


The Poly-Air activated carbon vent filter is designed to fit common 110mm vent pipes.

In situations where there may be different sized vent pipes the Poly-Air will match standard reducers and pipe fittings available in all hardware stores or builders’ merchants.

  • Fits standard vent pipe sizes
  • Easy to install
  • Easy to replace the activated carbon
  • No offensive odours
  • Cost effective
Poly-Air Euro Reducer