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Marsh Cesspool 30,000 Litre


Regular price £6,450.00
£5,375.00 ex.VAT

Designed and manufactured in accordance with BS4994/ BSEN976, the Marsh range of cesspools provides environmentally safe storage of firewater, Elsan waste, silage and aviation fuel.

Available in capacities up to 100,000 litres in Ø2.5m and Ø3m diameters, the tanks are manufactured using GRP (virgin unfilled resin – no ‘fillers’ such as chalk) providing consistent wall thickness ensuring superior structural strength and durability. This also enables the tank to be significantly lighter for on-site handling/positioning and better suited to withstand greater hydrostatic pressures when in use.

The tanks are supplied with a chemically resistant gel-coat that protects the fibres in the laminates and provides excellent water and chemical resistance. This inherent integrity allows Marsh to offer an unrivalled 50 year design life, backed by a 25 year structural guarantee.